

Family History

Griffiths / Cleveley / Bishop and others

Dyer / Skilton and others


Click on Family Tree to access the tree - only registered users can see details relating to people born later than 1915.

There is a connection between the Bishop family and Pitsea, and it likely that the house in Pitsea was self-built as the result of the purchase of a plot or plots in the early part of the 20th Century. Some of the details of the plotland developments can be found from the link below.


Arcadia For All : The Legacy of A Makeshift Landscape (Copyright  Colin Ward and Dennis Hardy)

The following extract is the section which covers the development in the Pitsea area, and is used by kind permission of the publishers, Five Leaves Publications

Charles Booth walked around London, recording his observations between 1886 and 1903. Some of the addresses at which family members were living feature in his survey - some of the streets still exist, others are long gone.

Charles Booth Online Archive


Poverty Map

Charles Booth's Poverty Map of London (1898-99)

Survey Noteboooks

Charles Booth's survey into life and labour in London, dating from 1886-1903.

Updated 17 January 2009 : Leo Griffiths