Family Tree

Griffiths, Cleveley, Bishop, Dyer, Skilton and others

946 people on file

All details for people born after 01/01/1915 are restricted to protect their identities. If you are a registered user you can view these details and edit record. Everybody is free to browse the unrestricted records.
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Site Statistics
Area Number
People On File 946
Census records 360
Images 187
Document Transcripts 11
Locations 951

Top 10 Surnames

  • Bishop (43)
  • Cleveley (42)
  • Rimes (35)
  • Griffiths (29)
  • Bran (29)
  • Sands (26)
  • Golding (25)
  • (Unknown) (23)
  • Dyer (22)
  • Ross (21)
Random Image
Front Row L (X) East Surrey Water Co. Redhill
Arthur James Deighton
Upcoming Anniversaries
Births Date Anniversary
George Golding 26/04/1888 136 years
Charlotte Emma Ridley 26/04/1844 180 years
Martha Phoebe Golding 06/05/1885 139 years
Percy Ronald Skidmore 07/05/1904 120 years
Sarah Cleveley 12/05/1808 216 years
Florence Annie Cole 13/05/1881 143 years
Marriages Date Anniversary
John Rimes & Elizabeth Arnwal 26/04/1716 308 years
Thomas Risbridger & Mary Ann Sergeant 27/04/1839 185 years
Jesse Reeves & Sarah Longhurst 29/04/1835 189 years
James King & Amy Smith 30/04/1823 201 years
John Annett & Ann Tye 30/04/1848 176 years
William Golding & Rebecca Martin 13/05/1838 186 years
Deaths Date Anniversary
Theresa Ellen Cleveley 00/05/2001 23 years
Robert Seal 04/05/1910 114 years
Walter James Tucknott 13/05/1915 109 years
James Rimes 14/05/1799 225 years
James Rimes 14/05/1778 246 years
James John Cleveley 00/06/1890 134 years
Last 20 People Updated RSS
Person Updated
John Arthur Hobson 12/02/2024
Florence Elizabeth Gotch 12/02/2024
John T Hobson 12/02/2024
John Horn Bishop 19/11/2023
Samuel Edwin Skilton 23/09/2023
George Fisher Cleveley 21/09/2023
William Arthur Griffiths 27/05/2023
William John Griffiths 15/04/2023
Henry George Connelly 15/04/2023
Philip Edward Bishop 25/03/2023
Denis Norman Bishop 25/03/2023
John Vincent Bishop 25/03/2023
William George Bishop 25/03/2023
Mary Eileen Bishop 25/03/2023
Ellen Higgins 25/03/2023
William Horn Bishop 25/03/2023
James Harry Ridley 18/02/2023
Elizabeth Mary Masters 18/02/2023
Charles W Smith 11/09/2022
Frank John Dyer 04/05/2022

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