Using the Family Tree

Once you have logged in, the upper left-hand side of the home page shows:

Clicking on “People On File” takes you to a list of Surnames and all the people in the database:

Clicking on a Surname takes you to that surname in the list, clicking on the name of a person takes you to the details for that person.

Back on the home page, the centre of the page shows a random image and upcoming anniversaries:

Clicking on the name of a person takes you to the details for that person.

The upper right-hand side of the home page has an alphabetical dropdown list of all the people and a list of the last 20 updates:

As usual, clicking on the name of a person takes you to the details for that person.

Clicking on “Pedigree” changes the view to:

In the Pedigree view, clicking on the name of a person takes you to that person, you still remain in the Pedigree view:

Clicking on “back to details” switches you back to the Detail view:

Further down the same page:

The other links at the top right: 

home and logout are self-explanatory, preferences takes you to a page where you can change your password and registered email address.